Estate planning is not just about your assets, it is about you. It is imperative that you have certain documents prepared to ensure that decisions regarding your personal care will be made by an individual of your choice.
Do you have an up-to-date Healthcare Power of Attorney? This document is important to have ready in the event that you become unable to make medical decisions. Situations such as a severe condition or injury, medical procedures, or cognitive interference caused by medications are examples of when a Healthcare Power of Attorney may be needed. This document allows you to nominate a person to whom the authority to make medical decisions on your behalf will be granted if you are unable to do so yourself; it does not usurp your right to make these decisions while able or take away any of your autonomy or independence.

Call 330.929.9700 today to review your documents and make any necessary changes and updates that you desire with an attorney at The Law Office of Malyuk McDaniel Kasper LLC.